More likely, the liquidity and price transparency of the Treasury market vastly outweighed the marginal increase in the credit premium the downgrade implied. 但更有可能的是,美国国债市场流动性和价格透明度的重要性,远远超出了评级下调所意味的信用溢价的些许增长。
Meanwhile, the paper introduces the conception of marginal risk and combines marginal risk contribution with credit portfolio risk management. 同时引进边际风险的概念,将边际风险贡献与信用组合风险管理进行了有机的结合。
From an equilibrium perspective, insurance mechanism can make SMEs 'marginal cost of credit consistent with the large-scale enterprises, so the banks' credit support could return to the marginal productivity of the enterprise. 从均衡的角度分析,从内部动力来看,保险机制的介入可以使中小企业和大型企业的边际信誉成本一致,使银行的信贷支持向企业边际生产力回归。